Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Tools of Design

Creating that perfect image or design that will get the message across can be a daunting task. With today’s computer programs to assist in the creation, the task can get easier or not. There are a few very powerful graphics design software suites available that can assist designers create that perfect image. Adobe Photoshop is a well know graphic design program that has been the choice of many designers because of the vast array of features included. Like most powerful software programs Photoshop comes at a hefty price. I quick search on the web found a free open source program called Gimp that has some of the same features as the expensive Adobe program. During my last semester at SUNY Empire State I took a Digital Art and Design class and became more familiar with the Adobe Photoshop program. Although it was just an introductory course I was still able to make a few designs which I shared on a different blog located
 here --> http://pawsblogplace.blogspot.com/

This was one of the first designs I created while playing around with the various tools within the program.

Here is another design where I was tasked with re-creating a book cover for the DaVinci Code. The design on the left was my first take, while the lower design was enhanced. 

There are also many YouTube videos available that provide tutorials on the functionality of Photoshop and Gimp. Along with various websites that offer steps for beginners to get them started. 


  1. Patrick,

    This is the second thing I learned from you today :) I have heard about Gimp, but the fact that you explained it here and showed some examples of what you have done with it helped me to understand more about it. After reading your blog, I went to the Gimp page to learn more. This is a tool I will certainly use in my future.

    Separately, I like the clean design of your blog. It is easy to read and I like the clean design of the black background with the white text. It allows graphics to really stand out and feels very tidy.

    The only suggestion for a change that I could make is that you may want to center all of the graphics since the first one was centered. Or maybe you could put the two examples of the DaVinci Code cover side by side. On that note, I really like the way the covers look. Especially the second one.


  2. I like the way you did your blog. I found it very easy to read as well as interesting since I have never used either program that you mention. I think I would agree with Jessica when she said that you shhould have put the two book covers side by side. I think that would have looked better. But overall I think you did a real nice job.
